I can understand why the original poster was suspicious...lets face it, rits are a new class. I don't know about you guys, but many of the rits I've grouped with really don't know how to play the class.
Rits do a lot of good...but when played wrong, they are a horrible class for energy management. Rits can be decent backup healers and backup protection monks. But they cannot be good healers, protection and nukers all at the same time. With the ritual class, you really need to pick 1 or 2 of those choices, and not try to be all 3 at once.
I would imagine by the time the next expansion comes out, groups will better understand how rits should be played.
Groups think just having 2 monks is good enough. Try adding a healing/defense rit to the mix, and you'll notice the difference. Rits flatout make groups better.